Vocal Department
Welcome to the vocal department! Our dynamic faculty are here to help you achieve your vocal goals. We offer classes for all ages and levels, and private lessons for those 12 and older. Our faculty are experienced in performing and teaching many different styles of singing, including classical, folk, jazz, musical theater, and opera! REGISTER to schedule an audition.
Classes Offered
Jamie Alston teaches a vocal class on Performance.
Broadway Group Class: (ages 8-12)
It’s a Broadway Class!!! This group class is for students ages 8-12 who are interested in private voice lessons, but whose voices have not yet matured. Please email the front office at admin@hammerandstrings.com for more info on this class.
The Art of Art Song: (6th-9th Grade)
Focusing on the developing 6-9th grade voice, Ms. Jamie teaches this art song class both in a group and one on one! Students will be assigned a personal solo and several group songs that will be performed in a recital at the end of the semester. You will learn challenging harmonies and explore the beautiful style of art song! Register HERE!
**Preparation Lessons: (High School Students)**
These lessons are special, 1-time, no obligation lessons, crafted specifically for high school voice students preparing for Regionals and All-State, college auditions, church singing, or any other big performance. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A MEMBER OF H&S CONSERVATORY TO SIGN UP FOR THESE LESSONS. These lessons can be centered around sight-singing exercises and block and contrapuntal exercises from past regionals auditions offered in Arizona, as well as extensive study of a regionals approved solo. Students auditioning for All-State will receive 1 to 2 lessons created to help cultivate your vocal abilities and prepare you in the best possible way for the audition. If you already have a private teacher we are happy to be a second pair of ears to help you have your best chance of a successful performance. Click HERE to register and reserve your spot.
Private lessons: (Age 12 and above)
This is traditional private voice lessons. One-on-one weekly instruction (vocal, technique, music theory) from a highly trained and skilled vocal teacher, offered in 30-min, 45-min or 1-hour segments. Auditions are held to determine voice type and current level. Schedule directly with private teacher.