Teaching Videos
Our teachers are passionate about sharing their expertise through education. Here is a collection of videos that our teachers have created with their students in mind. Watch a quick video and learn something new that you may not have tried before in your music studies! Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified when the next video is released.
Videos for All Musicians
Tips for Becoming a Music Major and ACING Your College Auditions
3 Super Simple Tips for Improving Your Sightreading
The BEST Apps for Improving Your Note Naming Skills
Videos for Pianists
5 Tips to SAVE HOURS When Memorizing Piano Music
Improve Note Accuracy When Playing Large, Unfamiliar Chords
Tips and Tricks for Making Your Piano Practice Feel EASIER
Videos for String Players
How to Improve Your Posture to Improve Your Sound on Cello
NEW Ideas to Improve Your Violin/Viola Vibrato
Stop Screeching! Tips for a Confident Cello Tone
Tips to Improve Your Practicing and Seeing GREAT Progress
Videos for Singers
Expression and Emoting- How to Make Your Singing Stand Out
5 MINUTE Physical Warmup for Singers!
How to Sing With Julie Andrews Vowels