Strings Preparation Lessons
$52 for each 30 minute prep lesson
$75 for each 45 minute prep lesson
$99 for each 60 minute prep lesson
These lessons are special, 1-time lessons, crafted specifically for high school orchestra students auditioning for Regionals, All-State, or college admissions. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A MEMBER OF H&S CONSERVATORY TO SIGN UP FOR THESE LESSONS.
Students auditioning for Regionals have the opportunity to take three or four (3 or 4) 45-minute lessons from our highly trained and skilled strings teachers. These lessons will be centered around sight-singing exercises and block and contrapuntal exercises from past regionals auditions offered in Arizona, as well as extensive study of a regionals approved solo.
Students auditioning for All-State will receive 1 to 2 lessons created to help cultivate your performance and prepare you in the best possible way for the audition.
Students auditioning for college admissions will be coached through the typical format of this kind of audition. Audition requirements vary from college to college. Please know what the requirements are for your school to make the most of these lessons. The student can choose how many lessons they would like to help them feel confident entering the audition.
If you already have a private teacher we are happy to be a second pair of ears to help you have your best chance of making Regionals, All-State, or your college audition.
Click the “Enroll Now” button to register and sign up for the number of lessons you would like to receive!